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Red Bullet has been a pioneer in the Dutch independent music scene since its founding on April 1, 1968, officially known as Red Bullet Productions BV. As the oldest independent record label in the Netherlands still in operation, Red Bullet has a rich history of representing iconic artists and bands such as Golden Earring, Shocking Blue, Focus, Earth and Fire, Het Goede Doel, Stars on 45, Tol Hansse, Jeroen van der Boom, Wolter Kroes, Nova, Peru (synthesizer music), Vangrail, and The Soca Boys, among many others.

Originally founded as a record production company, Red Bullet has always focused on discovering, guiding, developing, and producing artists. In 1986, the Red Bullet label was established, representing many of the aforementioned artists, and continues to do so to this day. All Red Bullet releases are available on CD and, in many cases, on vinyl. Additionally, all releases can be accessed digitally through download and streaming platforms.

Red Bullet is based in Hilversum, the media capital of the Netherlands.

Nanada Music is the umbrella name for various music publishing companies, responsible for managing the compositions and songs of Red Bullet artists.



Red Bullet Productions

Red Bullet: Pioneering Dutch Independent Music Since 1968. As the oldest independent record label in the Netherlands, Red Bullet has shaped the sound of generations, representing legendary artists like Golden Earring, Shocking Blue, and Focus. From timeless classics to contemporary hits, we continue to discover, develop, and produce the best in Dutch music, leaving an indelible mark on the industry.


Discover the music from Red Bullet Productions. Below are links to stream or download songs from our artists on all major platforms. Enjoy the hits that have shaped Dutch music for years.

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Artikel 1.jpg

“Liedje zoekt artiest”
Een nieuw concept talentenjacht is geboren!

“Liedje zoekt artiest” is een initiatief van Ferry van Leeuwen en Giovanni Caminita.

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Artikel 2.jpg

De leden van Golden Earring en in het bijzonder de jarige George Kooymans, bedanken iedereen die een bijdrage heeft geleverd aan het hart verwarmende en onvergetelijke Radar Love moment van 11 maart 2021, 17.15 uur.

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De nieuwe single van Tamara Tol – Kom Weer Terug is nu beschikbaar bij jouw favoriete download of streaming dienst!!

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How can we assist you?

If you have any questions or comments regarding our artists, releases, requests for repertoire usage, or other matters, please feel free to contact us by phone or email.

Red Bullet Productions B.V.
Witte Kruislaan 55A
1217 AM Hilversum
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)35-646 00 00


Red Bullet Productions

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